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Geoflax geosynthetics production

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    Аbout the company

    GeoSM company since 2012
    engaged in production and
    supplies of geotextiles,
    geomembranes, geogrids,
    geogrids and others
    geosynthetic materials,
    used in road,
    industrial and civil


    best prices






    Geotextile “Geoflax” is a polymer non-woven roll material, which made from polypropylene or polyester and is used as stabilization or separation layers for construction, road, drainage, agricultural and ground work.
    Production volume – 12,600 tons per year

    600 kg / hour

    Line productivity

    1 m – 6 m

    Geoflax web width

    600 kg / hour

    Line productivity


    Geomembrane “Geoflax” is a roll polymer insulating material, having good resistance to aggressive environments, abnormal temperatures and ultraviolet rays. Used to create artificial reservoirs, storage tanks, waterproofing foundations of industrial buildings, for creation and reclamation of solid waste landfills and  solid municipal waste.

    Production volume – 5,110 tons per year.

    15000 m² per day

    Line performance

    up to 6 meters

    Width of Geoflax canvas

    0.5 – 4 mm

    Thickness of the Geoflax geomembrane


    Volumetric geocell “Geoflax” is three-dimensional modular geosynthetic material with high strength, flexibility and resistance to biological decomposition. His used during work aimed at to stabilize soil layers during strengthening overpass cones, anti-erosion protection of slopes and embankments and reinforcement of weak grounds.

    Production volume – 730 tons per year.

    4000 m² per day

    Line productivity

    50 mm – 300 mm

    Diagonal cell size

    1.1 – 1.5 g/m²

    Tape thickness


    Geogrid “Geoflax” is a mesh roll material made of polypropylene, polyester or fiberglass roving. It is used to evenly distribute the load, as well as to reinforce and strengthen road surfaces and soils. Geogrid is laid under sand and crushed stone and improves the stability of road bases, helps to prevent soil deformations and provides the necessary drainage

    Production volume – 2,628 tons per year

    300 kg/hour

    Line productivity

    4 m – 5.3 m


    20 – 200 kN/m

    Breaking loads

    Offer Letter

    Limited Liability Company GeoSM commercial offer for the materials given in the table:

    Product name Unit of measure Rubles, ₽ Dollars, $
    1 Geoflax Geotextile 150 plus m2 25,13 0,29
    2 Geoflax Geotextile 200 plus m2 32,01 0,37
    3 Geoflax Geotextile 250 plus m2 39,15 0,45
    4 Geoflax Geotextile 300 plus m2 46,75 0,54
    5 Geoflax Geotextile 350 plus m2 54,51 0,63
    6 Geoflax Geotextile 400 plus m2 62,11 0,72
    7 Geoflax Geotextile 450 plus m2 69,89 0,81
    8 Geoflax Geotextile 500 plus m2 77,49 0,90
    1 Geoflax Geomembrane 1 mm m2 123,60 1,43
    2 Geoflax Geomembrane 1,5 mm m2 183,60 2,13
    3 Geoflax Geomembrane 2 mm m2 231,60 2,68
    1 Geogrid 150 210*210 (240*240) m2 106,81 1,24
    2 Geogrid 100 210*210 (240*240) m2 73,45 0,85
    3 Geogrid 50 210*210 (240*240) m2 39,46 0,46
    4 Polypropylene Geogrid SD 40 m2 100 1,16